Title: | Workbook 2 Cognitive behavioural therapy for substance use and gambling |
Author: | Andrée van Emst |
ISBN: | 978 94 92121 32 5 |
Edition: | 1 |
Published: | September 2019 |
Pages: | 126 |
Size: | 17 x 24 cm (spiral binding) |
Price: | € 21,50 |
Extra: | – |
Targetgroup: | Clients in first line care, in addiction care centers in mental health care, also in blended therapy sessions |
Extra information Workbook 2 Cognitive behavioural therapy for substance use and gambling
This Workbook is adapted to Handleiding 2 individuele cognitieve gedragstherapie bij middelengebruik en gokken and Addendum Manual 2 individual cognitive behavioural therapy for substance use and gambling